MCB Member Handbook 2023
I. Attendance
- Members are expected to make every reasonable effort to attend all rehearsals and concerts. For maximum rehearsal effectiveness, this entails members arriving on time and remaining for the complete rehearsal.
- To help members plan a personal schedule, a complete rehearsal and concert schedule will be provided at the beginning of each concert season. Note that there may be extended rehearsal hours or extra rehearsals added as determined by the Conductor. The Conductor will announce any extra rehearsals or time.
- Attendance will be monitored by the Section Leaders in cooperation with the Conductor to help maintain part coverage and section balance. Section members are expected to notify the Section Leader or Conductor of an expected absence in advance whenever possible.
- Eligibility to play a concert requires attendance at a minimum of 75% of the rehearsals during that concert period, and the payment of member dues. Members in good standing may also be excused by the Section Leader for unavoidable conflicts, if they are deemed capable of playing. Exceptions to this attendance policy will be considered at the discretion of the MCB Conductor and Section Leader, and any unresolved conflicts will be taken up by the Board of Directors.
- If a section member is deemed ineligible to play for any reason, the Section Leader, the MCB Conductor or a designated Board member will address the ineligibility directly with the member.
- When a member has a change of intention to play, the Section Leader should be notified.
- A member may withdraw from any concert without jeopardizing future eligibility. Early notification of a decision not to play a concert will be beneficial to the member’s good standing and permit any necessary shifts in instrumentation or music.
II. Audition Policy
No formal playing auditions are required to join the MCB. New members are simply asked to stand and tell the band about themselves (e.g., name, place of employment, hobbies, etc.). The MCB philosophy is “no one who wants to play will be turned away.”
III. Concert Dress Policy
- All regular and associate members of the MCB are required to wear the required uniform at performances so designated by the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors and Conductor will determine the colors and types of uniforms, and any special concert dress (i.e., Holiday Concert Dress).
- The Board of Directors is responsible for monitoring the supply and return of MCB-owned uniforms and for resolving any questions regarding the appropriateness of concert dress.
Specific Concert Dress Uniforms
- Floor-length black dress or skirt, or black dress slacks
- Black dress blouse with long sleeves. Blouse must be free of any decoration.
- Black stockings
- Black shoes
- Minimal jewelry
- Black tuxedo with jacket and black dress slacks, and a black bow tie
- White, plain, pleated-front tuxedo shirt or white long-sleeved dress shirt
- Black socks
- Black shoes
- Black cummerbund (optional)
IV. Hospitality Guidelines
Band hospitality is intended to convey fellowship to members. None of the hospitality practices will be considered as a requirement for the Board or Board members.
- Flowers or a donation to a church or charity may be sent to an active MCB member who has a death in the immediate family (Band member, parent, sibling, or child).
- Flowers or another appropriate gift may be sent to an active MCB member who is hospitalized if the Board is notified and has time to act.
- A card may be sent to the spouse of an active MCB member who is hospitalized if the Board is notified and has time to act.
- As a general guideline, flower or donation amounts shall be limited to $75 or less. Higher amounts should be approved by the Treasurer.
- Any regular Board member can authorize the above, or a Band member designee can, with permission from a Board member. A record must be submitted to the Treasurer of:
- The amount spent.
- To whom the card or gift was sent and the reason it was sent.
- The date the card or gift was sent.
- An active member is defined as a member who has met the conditions of membership as stated in the Bylaws for the current year.
- These Hospitality gestures may not be possible during the MCB’s summer recess (after the May concert until the first rehearsal of the next season).
V. Ticket Policy
- Complimentary tickets may be provided to people who may have an interest in MCB concerts but who have not attended them frequently in the past or who do not have the financial means to purchase tickets. Members may request complimentary tickets by contacting any Board member. The Board must approve complimentary ticket requests.
- The Board of Directors will determine ticket prices.
- Requests for any group pricing can be made by contacting any Board member. A vote of the Board is required to approve any such requests.
VI. Youth Group Admission Policy
One of the purposes of the MCB is to help develop an interest in classical band music in people of all ages in our community. The MCB specifically encourages the attendance of youth groups at its concerts within the following guidelines:
- Any youth (12 years of age or under) will be admitted free to any MCB concert.
- Youth or young adults from organizations such as the Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts may be admitted to MCB concerts free of charge if the group is chaperoned.
- One (1) adult chaperone for every four (4) youths must attend the concert and purchase or arrange for a regular adult ticket.
- Arrangements must be made through any MCB Board member at least ten (10) days prior to the concert of interest. The Board will arrange for the tickets to be mailed to the youth group leader or left for pickup by one of the chaperones on the date of the concert.
- The Director of Education, with assistance from the Director of Publicity, will be responsible for communicating this policy to the public and in the MCB concert programs.
VII. Scholarship Policy for High School Band Students
To promote music education and band participation in Midland County, each year the MCB offers scholarships to qualified 9th– through 12th-grade band students. The scholarships are to be used by the recipients for attendance at a summer band camp, applied to the purchase of a new instrument, or for music instruction. Consideration may be given to past recipients.
VIII. Seventh (7th) Grade Band Student Participation Policy
To further promote music education and band participation in Midland County, each year the MCB also invites outstanding 7th grade musicians to perform with the band at its May concert. The MCB Director of Education sends letters to area intermediate school band directors asking them to nominate six (6) of their best students. In preparation for the performance, the selected students are then required to attend four, 1-hour rehearsals in the weeks leading up to the May concert and one short rehearsal on the day of the concert. The students are asked to wear their school band uniforms for the performance.
IX. Membership Dues Policy
Dues will be waived for current Board members, for the appointed positions of Librarian, Stage Manager, Jazz Band Director, and Announcer, and for any member who donates $75 or more during the concert season.
Full Revision Approved October 23, 2014 (DBSelley –Secretary)
Revision Approved February 15, 2017 (PLHeider – Secretary)
Revision Approved October 18, 2017 (PLHeider – Secretary)Top of Form
Revision Approved March 19, 2023 (KJSmith – Secretary)